Empowering Change

Group of women working

Empowering Change.

A step-by-step tool for policy professionals to apply gender analysis to your work.

Its name reflects its aim – to empower you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to use gender analysis in your policy work.

How to use Empowering Change?

Some policy professionals using this tool will be new to gender analysis, while others will have significant experience.

Empowering Change is designed to support those who are new with core activities, while providing growth opportunities for more experienced analysts.

Core Activities

Core Activities

If you are new or growing your skills in gender analysis, we encourage you to focus on the core activities from Stage 1 to Stage 4.

Growth Activities

Growth Activities

If you have more gender analysis experience, are working on more complex policy, or who want to explore broader aspects of gender analysis, we have provided growth activities under Stage 1 to Stage 4. 

We have designed Empowering Change to be useful and practical. Under each activity is an explanation, with tools and techniques that can be used in your policy work. You can use these directly or adapt them for your economy.


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