
APEC is committed to advancing gender equality and women's economic empowerment across its member economies.

This includes, encouraging gender-responsive policy, programmes and initiatives that support change across La Serena Roadmap's five pillars of economic empowerment for women and girls, driving inclusive and sustainable economic growth across the Asia Pacific.

In September 2021, APEC Ministers noted the region faces “a crucial opportunity to advance meaningful development for women and girls, and in turn families, communities and economies, across the APEC region”.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionally affected women and girls across the Asia Pacific and beyond. Gender-responsive approaches - in accordance with applicable domestic laws and policies – can contribute to inclusive, sustainable and equitable economic growth and long-term development.

Policies do not benefit everybody equally, and this needs to be identified and mitigated in order to close the gap for women, especially groups of women experiencing multiple forms of discrimination and barriers to joining the labour market.

This tool aims to help, by promoting the collection of gender data and gender analysis across APEC economies. It seeks to promote structural reform through adopting inclusive approaches, supported by robust gender analysis activities.

women with baskets

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